How To Prepare Your Lawn and Garden For Fall

1aca0__Backyard-cleanupAfter a summer of heavy use many lawns start showing signs of wear and tear by the end of the season. Early autumn is a great time to repair the damage and to ensure that your turf is in good condition for the year ahead.

Rake Out MossRX-DK-HTG42301_1-rake-moss_s3x4_lg
Kill off any moss with a lawn moss herbicide before vigorously scratching out dead material (thatch) from the lawn with a spring-tined rake. Raking improves the look and health of the turf.

Aerate the Soil
Open up air channels in a compacted lawn with an aerator, which pulls out plugs of soil.

lwn103_3fa_alFeed and Sow
Apply a granular autumn lawn fertilizer evenly over marked out squares. Water in if no rain falls within three days of applying it. In early autumn, the soil is sufficiently warm and moist to sow grass seed too. Spread seed to match your lawn type at half the recommended rate for new lawns to help thicken up any bald spots.

Give your Emerald team a call (765-237-9197) or e-mail us to see how we can help you with aerating, seeding, sodding or renovating your lawn.

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